Invisible Grille Key Feature

Safe & Security
Invisible Grille is able to withstand up to 80Kg of tension load
Unblocked Views
Invisible Grille made your view look great.
Maintenance Free
Invisible Grille is designed with maintenance free concept.
Anti Rust
Invisible Grille is power-coated to prevent oxidation onto the standard steel cable.

Reasons for Choosing Us

Invisible Grille

Home Safe Decor established since the early year of 2014. We believe Home is the safe haven for each and everyone of us. Where there is Home, there will be our love ones, our Family lives.

Home Safe Decor, we ensure excellent workmanship on invisible grille installation and safety assurance to all our customer’s needs.

We Listen and  Deliver what you need

As a member of the Family, we wanted to be safe and feel safe under our own roof with our love ones. We wanted to be safe for our children when we are away for work or simply doing chores at the back kitchen.

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